Future Environmentalists

connection of the management of the European nature capital with the field research

Pruning trees and shrubs in urban areas

Pruning trees and shrubs in urban areas

On 7th of May will be held a webinar about the "Pruning trees and shrubs in urban areas". The lecturer is land. arch. Nevena Pachedzhieva. She explains: "The brutal pruning of trees and shrubs across the country is the reason that made me take the topic more seriously. The purpose of pruning is to regulate the shape, size and flowering of the trees and shrubs, to maintain a strong, healthy and beautiful plant. Removing more than 20% of living tree branches is very dangerous, cuts above 5 cm also. Pruning in most tree species should be done during the rest period – this is also a very common mistake made by the gardeners in urban areas.
Most common practice – decapitation of trees, which stimulates the formation of many young shoots is extremely harmful and dangerous. That makes the life of tree greatly shortened, many diseases and pathogens can enter trough the large wounds and the many young shoots are not well attached to the stem and are easily broken.
The issue with the urban shrubs is the same, but as their small size and bot being dangerous, they are often ignored. The shrubs are being seriously cut and this doesn’t meet the requirements of the individual species and thus most of them lose their decorative effect.
During the webinar we are going to look at a number of schemes that illustrate the right ways to shape crowns of trees and shrubs, discuss good practices, types of trees for urban planting, cutting techniques and tools for doing so."

The webinar is free of charge and it will be conduct in Bulgarian. Everyone can participate after the registration on this link: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMudO-qpjIoGtMVl0_H7FdqNnV4NPG4qU5I

The webinar is carrying out within the project "Future Environmentalists - Linking EU Natural Capital Management to Field Research". The project is supported by the Erasmus+ Program of the European Commission, Key Action 2: Strategic Partnership by means of Activity Agreement № CSP 2018-1-BG01-KA203-047962

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