Future Environmentalists

connection of the management of the European nature capital with the field research


Association of Parks in Bulgaria (APB)

Association of Parks in Bulgaria is established in 2003. Its mission is to work for the development and protection of a system of protected areas in the country, for the preservation of the biological diversity in Bulgaria, and for popularization of sustainable development through balancing ecological, social and economic interests. In the last years, APB has trained over 240 employees, has engaged with managing of the protected areas and the Natura 2000 sites in Bulgaria, and has introduced new mechanisms for generating income in protected areas and in Natura 2000 sites. APB’s team works and identifies cases of conflict in protected areas and Natura 2000 zones. APB has also contributed to the improvement of nature protection law. APB is an active member of the coalition of non-governmental organizations For the Nature in Bulgaria and of the Federation of European Parks EUROPARC for many years now.

Bulgarian Biodiversity Foundation (BBF)

Bulgarian Biodiversity Foundation is a non-governmental organization, established in 1997. BBF’s mission is long-term protection of nature and biodiversity through engaging of various stakeholders. BBF works in several directions on national level, among which are protection and development of national ecological network, protection of protected species, improvement of nature protection legislation, establishment of modern biosphere parks, educational activities for children and students. In this project BBF builds on its experience from twelve years of organizing of a course in Protection of Biodiversity at the Biological Faculty of Sofia University. The head office of the organization is in the city of Sofia, but the organization has also four branches in the regions where it has focused for a long-term work for protection of biodiversity and for support of local communities for sustainable management of natural resources. BBF is a member of the coalition of non-governmental organizations For the Nature in Bulgaria, IUCN, CEEweb, Bulgarian Donor’s Forum, BAAT, and others.

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece (AUTH - Aristotelio Panepistimio Thessalonikis)

The Aristotle University of Thessaloniki constitutes a comprehensive institution with Faculties and Schools serving a vast array of scientific fields, ranging from natural and technological to social and health sciences, arts and humanities. The University aims to offer equal opportunities for learning, research and communication; it aspires to create an environment where education and research thrive, and subsequently, realize the vision for a better world with equal rights for everybody to claim the fruits of economic growth and social prosperity. The Aristotle University of Thessaloniki is the largest university in Greece and the main campus is located in the centre of the city of Thessaloniki, and covers an area of about 33.4 hectares. It comprises 10 faculties which consist of 40 schools and 1 single-School Faculty. About 73.930 students study at the Aristotle University (65.026 in undergraduate programmes and 8.472 in postgraduate programmes, of which 3952 at Doctoral level). There are 2.024 faculty members. There are also 11 teaching assistants, 58 research fellows, 248 members of the Special Laboratory Teaching Personnel (S.L.T.P.), as well as 15 foreign language teachers and 4 foreign instructors.

Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (CULS - Ceska Zemedelska Univerzita v Praze)

Czech University of Life Sciences Prague is founded in 1906 with a decree by Franz Joseph, emperor of Austria and king of Hungary then. Initially the university is in agrarian sciences, but gradually develops its profile, and in 2007 is renamed to Life Sciences University. Today over 18,000 students are enrolled in it, with 10% foreign students. The university has four faculties and one institute. The Forestry Faculty is partner in the project. It teaches 16 bachelor, master’s and doctoral programmes in Czech and in the English language, like economics and administration of forests, management of forests and waters, protection of forests, and others.

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